Any payment/deposit to RHB INVESTMENT BANK BHD with receipt attachment:
MBB 514057329722, RHB 21412900003831,
SCB 312143574564, CIMB 8001033047,
HLB 06400081513
MBB 514057329722, RHB 21412900003831,
SCB 312143574564, CIMB 8001033047,
HLB 06400081513
Any problem with osk188 system: Please call OSK support helpdesk:1-300-888-675/0320719000, Email :
Sms order format:
(Trading No) buy/sell (SPACE) counter name,
(Counter Code) (SPACE) Quantity units (SPACE) @ trading currency (SPACE) Price
(Trading No) buy/sell (SPACE) counter name,
(Counter Code) (SPACE) Quantity units (SPACE) @ trading currency (SPACE) Price
Sms payment format:(Full Name)(Trading no.): bank in RM (amount) (osk bank) on (payment date) at (payment time) via (online/cash/atm/cheque no & cheque issue bank)
Activation OSK188: Sell/Buy shares via phone order at least 1 time
Force selling: SELL your shares before 12.30 noon (T+4) day
ATO Services: Automatic offset your counter due within (T+3) day if sufficient trust fund available at your trading account
E-mail responding: Any enquiries, forward your e-mail at and your e-mail will be respond for next working day if I received your e-mail after 12.00noon
Overdue charges: Overdue charges will be incur if your payment not successful bank in on T+3 day. Please bank in latest on T+2 day for your counter due.